AJAX.GeeKieR.com SiteBoiler inline editor - web writing panel. See how this updates!!! (ask Grant)
AJAX demo built by GeeKieR Enterprises with , Python, SiteBoiler, Dojo Toolkit, XML-RPC
Demonstrating AJAX hiliting SiteBoiler editing, content management & publishing workflow. Use shift-key for single line spacing. <Shift>-<Return> bold, underline, italics...
Thank you for visiting GeeKieR Enterprises' AJAX demo!
Contact Grant K Rauscher with any comments, questions, suggestions or requests.
demo to-do:
- editor
- pubDate property editing (dojo DatePicker)
- fix Save buttons (dojo Button/Button2) enable on text change
- no Return keystroke event for Title (font styles only toolbar)
- scroll/resize grid item contents list (create/delete no-refresh)
- Body Content toolbar doesn't scroll (separate from Editor)
- toolbar/Edit functions
- font style, size
- tables
- undo/redo
- clipboard shortcuts (saved text/html)
- apps
- objects, right-click properties
- link href, image src/border/alt... arbitrary attributes
- drag-n-drop move html list, tree
- text functions (translation, spell check, dict/thes lookup, search)
- keystrokes (save: Ctrl/Cmd-S)
- function toolbar at bottom of content window/pane
- indent/unindent keystrokes (tab/shift-tab), cursor focus, empty delete
- chat
- e-mail
- fridge magnets
- top